Written and illustrated by Aline Abreu, this story begins exactly 24 hours after Malu give her first kiss, puts her bags in the car and moves with her parents to another state. Upset, she leaves behind her childhood friendships and her older brother, who, by attending the last year of school, earned the right to stay with his grandmother. What does life have in store for Malu? Promising friendships, a new school, a different routine and a new love. Emphasis on the way in which the graphic design incorporates and translates the protagonist’s flow of thought. This is the case of the summary, in which the chapter titles form a kind of autonomous text.
Age Group:
0800 772 2300.
Das 8 às 18h, de segunda à sexta.
Rua Rui Barbosa 156, Bela Vista, São Paulo / SP – CEP 01326-010