This is a book that uses childhood´s playful universe to tell a fun story, whose text, book design and illustrations provide the perfect mix of reality and fantasy. This is the story of little Iolanda who, in her backyard, with objects and furniture creates a universe of fantasy and imagination and experiences great adventures.
Ready, Rocket, Go! subtly plays with the idea of accumulation as depicted in Ana Matsusaki´s illustrations, which show how Iolanda piles up objects one on top of the other to give life to a rocket. The book´s special touch lies in the representation of reality X fantasy: reality is portrayed by “real images” and “children´s drawings” in the daily illustrations, while fantasy is shown in the night pictures.
Age Group:
0800 772 2300.
Das 8 às 18h, de segunda à sexta.
Rua Rui Barbosa 156, Bela Vista, São Paulo / SP – CEP 01326-010