
The Adventures of a Dog Named Petit


animals, discovery, family

About the book

Together we are stronger.  Being able to count on a support network to overcome adversity is what makes us stronger and able to go further. The Adventures of a Dog Named Petit tells the story of sisters Olivia and Alice and of the family´s new pet dog, Petit. Told from Olivia´s point of view, the story shows how a family´s love, the school´s welcoming embrace and, particularly, the arrival of the dog, will help Alice grow and deal with the difficulties of autism.

In a playful and subtle say, the book provides very important and deep reflections about emotions and the process of developing an identity, and how this relates to being different, and valuing human diversity to promote inclusion. Maria Eugênia´s illustrations are at once delicate and lively, just right for a text that addresses a serious theme such as that of children with special needs in a light and optimistic tone.


Heloisa Prieto


Maria Eugênia


170 x 240 mm





Age Group:

Ages 4 to 8



Renowned Books

FNLIJ Award 2022 (Brazilian section of IBBY)

Highly Recommended: Children’s Book

Preview Of The Book

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