João, a 10-year-old boy, lives on the volcanic Green Island. His parents (Sophia, a biologist, and Fernando, an aviator) and his friend Mr. Alberto, a 90-year-old gardener, encourage him to respect and to love nature, so much so that his best friend is the Green Volcano. One day, his father disappears while flying. João is shaken up inside, and a slight tremor announces that the volcano has woken up. What a mystery! In this book, the nuanced observation of João’s inner world is portrayed in harmony and contrast with the outside world. The poetic text is wonderfully rendered by Zansky’s illustrations, which are realistic and dreamlike at the same time, presenting the Green Island in all its splendor. Geography, geology, environment, self-knowledge, friendship and family — all these themes underline, in a symbolic and subtle way, the love and the power that exist within João. Two Islands was a finalist in 3 prestigious prizes for manuscripts in Brazil, and the author Guilherme Semionato has books published in 8 countries.
Age Group:
0800 772 2300.
Das 8 às 18h, de segunda à sexta.
Rua Rui Barbosa 156, Bela Vista, São Paulo / SP – CEP 01326-010