The book tells the story of Tonny, a poor boy who dreams of a better life. Encouraged by the stories told by his grandmother, Tonny convinces his friend John to join him and follow a coyote who shows up in town summoning young men to work with the promise of “making quick money”. However, reality turns out to be everything but. Lost innocence, broken dreams and subjugated childhood are eventually followed by hope, compassion, friendship, and love in this captivating story about the endurance of the human spirit. An inspiring page turner that will remain with young readers long past the last page.
Age Group:
Highly Recommended: Young Adults Book
3rd place: Young Adults
(Brazilian section of IBBY)
2nd place: Best Children and Young Adults Book
Selected to 7th edition of Machado de Assis Magazine 2015
0800 772 2300.
Das 8 às 18h, de segunda à sexta.
Rua Rui Barbosa 156, Bela Vista, São Paulo / SP – CEP 01326-010